“The Ocean” Project

Sustainable Innovation, Pioneering Passive House Design, an Excellent Investment for a Brighter Future.

The Ocean

Our project, “The Ocean,” is a 100-acre Master Plan residential community on beautiful Vancouver Island. The simple fact is that you won’t find a more suited location. We utilize a sustainable design philosophy that will reduce negative impacts on the environment.

We are working smart to expand technology and innovative advancements that will complement the build-out and success of our development.

To ensure the future of pristine Vancouver Island will take forward-thinking, inspired planning and investment support for these initiatives by thoughtful visionary investors.

Investment Opportunity

“The Ocean,” a 100 Acre Master Plan residential community, built with the environment and energy efficiency in mind. We expect sustainable returns for our investors, learn more about our project.

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Our Corporate Culture

  • At NuEra we advance and invest in communities to enhance the health, comfort, and resiliency of the people and places where we work.

    Every real estate asset owner, investor, and stakeholder must now recognize they have a clear duty to understand and actively manage environmental, social, governance (ESG), and climate-related risks as a routine component of their business thinking, practices, and management processes.

  • Through the transparent disclosure of financial and impact reporting, in tandem with third-party verified building certifications, we use KPIs and science to measure every achievement.

    These practices better our decisions and mitigate risk across all our project portfolios to benefit the environment, society, and our local and global economies. 

  • By 2030 we envision full project circularity with absolute zero emissions, including those in scope 3. To achieve these goals, we’ll trace our supply chain, employ biophilic design and local prefabrication, and interconnect front-of-meter energy generation while we rate each effort at key waypoints.

    From inception through reporting, we’ll preserve and benefit our naturally beautiful places by maximizing health, efficiency, water savings, and workforce development, while minimizing operational and embodied energy, toxicity, and waste.