
NuEra Capital Corporation is a capital investment firm that specializes in Master Plan community development. In cooperation with our partners, our team members analyze and evaluate real estate assets that meet our due diligence and investment criteria. Invest today for a sustainable tomorrow, for our future.

Corporate Mission

To ensure resiliency and mitigate climate risk.

At NuEra we advance and invest in communities to enhance the health, comfort, and resiliency of the people and places where we work. Every real estate asset owner, investor, and stakeholder must now recognize their clear duty to understand and actively manage climate-related risks as a routine component of their business thinking, practices, and management processes.

Message from the Chairman, James Clarke

Sustainable development is at the core of our mission. Sustainability, you will hear more talk about this topic in the years ahead. This is now a common phrase in our financial business discussions.

Climate change impacts our world on a daily basis, as good stewards of our communities we focus on how our business practices will help manage and mitigate climate risks. With well-thought-out planning, we can provide strong financial performance to our stakeholders.

As an industry, our common goal is to lower our carbon footprint. To utilize new technologies to improve energy efficiency, provide excellence in air quality management, and reduction in consumer waste. We need your help to achieve a better world to live in.

Our Process

Nuera Capital's project inception is marked by a meticulous planning process, where we assess all facets for our developments to optimize returns and minimize risks for our stakeholders.

Our development strategy is anchored by the following pillars:

Each phase exemplifies our firm commitment to deliver excellence.

• Adept land acquisition practices.
• Thoughtful infrastructure development to cultivate vibrant communities.
• Precise control over master community design.
• Diligent management of the supply chain to secure Passive House certification.